Avoiding Burnout and Managing Workloads

August 21, 2015

subpage-sampleIf you’re anything like most nonprofit leaders, you spend your weeks consistently giving the proverbial “110%”. Keeping an organization running and motivating your team can be a daunting task even in the best of conditions, but couple that with times of low budgets or less-than-full staffing and you can quickly find yourself in position where you’re constantly giving of yourself with little to no time to recharge your own batteries.

Enter: Burnout. Marked by general exhaustion and frustration over the work at hand (the same work which, under the best of circumstances, typically brings you much joy and satisfaction), burnout can have far-reaching effects, extending to not just your professional role and organization but also to your personal life. How can you tell if you might be experiencing burnout, and what can you do to prevent or remedy it?

Our friends at the Georgia River Network have compiled a collection of articles and resources for nonprofit leaders on identifying and preventing burnout and managing workload. We highly recommend reviewing these great tools, not only for yourself, but also for identifying potential burnout in other leaders within your organization.

What are some additional tools or methods you employ for preventing burnout? We’d love to hear some of your suggestions!

[button link=”https://www.garivers.org/protect-your-river/local-river-group-support/149.html” target=”_blank”]Burnout & Workload Management Tools[/button]