Effective meetings require creative planning and thoughtful approaches.
Let us support your next meeting through our expert facilitation design, planning, and training services. We know how to support your current needs while keeping your future goals in mind.
Facilitation Support

ICL offers facilitation support for your team by drawing on a range of activities and approaches tailored to your unique collaboration.
We bring decades of experience to our work with leaders and the creation of productive meetings and processes.
When you have important high stakes meetings, complex strategy to sort out, or you just need to participate rather than lead the next meeting, hiring ICL’s team can make a difference.
Whether we help you plan the meetings or facilitate them for you, ICL will:
Frame clear outcomes
Engage the group and create an inclusive environment
Shape and manage a productive flow of discussions
Introduce helpful exercises and tools to use time well
Facilitation Training

ICL provides facilitation skills training
to leaders of collaborations or
highly collaborative organizations.
When you hire ICL for facilitation skill building, we will guide you in identifying the goals of your meeting, and will teach you how to facilitate in order to build connection and trust in your group.
ICL’s facilitation support will guide you in:
Sparking collective vision and action in your collaboration
Creating shared understanding and cooperation in your group
Developing crucial skills for effective and dynamic meetings
Integrating equity and inclusion into meetings and facilitation efforts
Using technology strategically and inclusively
We offer workshops and programs online or in-person. Because building facilitation skills takes a hands-on approach, our programs are customized for groups, which can include leaders from your collaboration as well as other members.
See our impact

Rails to Trails Conservancy
Rails to Trails Conservancy is a national organization reimagining public spaces and connecting communities via trails. In 2023, they came to ICL to create a five-year strategic plan. Their goal is to ensure that trails and trail networks are prioritized as essential for people, communities, and the environment.

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay – Local Government Advisory Council
ICL facilitated the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s annual local government forum, which provides a space for deep dive collaborative problem solving amongst local governments, nonprofit leaders, businesses, and funders.

Ohio Environmental Council
In 2020, the Ohio Environmental Council engaged with ICL as a thought partner to increase their coalition building efforts. This engagement led to development and support of the Cleveland environmental policy platform for the mayoral candidates in the 2020 election.