Facilitating Engaging Meetings – Spring 2024

Virtual Workshop Series - Spring 2024

Do you want to lead more productive meetings? Are you struggling with getting folks to participate in meetings? Do you wonder how to prevent or manage difficult group dynamics in meetings?

Join our 3-part interactive virtual program to increase your understanding of meeting facilitation and your confidence as a facilitator. We’ll learn and practice skills together though guided interactive virtual sessions. This workshop series is designed to emphasize peer learning and to build connections with your peers who also care about the environment and community health. You will walk away from this program with a new set of facilitation tools and a plan to apply what you learn in your own context!

Overall Outcomes

By the end of the program participants will gain knowledge and skills about:

  • Your facilitation role and stance
  • Planning an engaging meeting
  • An understanding of group dynamics
  • Core facilitator skills, including listening, summarizing, and redirecting
  • Specific activities and tools that support engagement
  • A personal plan for your future facilitation efforts
Workshop Dates
  • Session 1 – Tuesday, April 30th, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
    • Focus: Your personal tendencies, strengths, and stance as a facilitator, planning for engaging meetings, creating clear outcomes and expectations
  • Session 2 – Thursday, May 2nd, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
    • Focus: Tips for creating engagement and productivity, specific tools for leading meetings (virtual and in-person meetings), applying the facilitation skills of listening and summarizing
  • Session 3 – Tuesday May 7th, 1:30 – 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)
    • Focus: Group dynamics and facilitation strategies, self-awareness and self-management, practice facilitation skills of summarizing and redirecting, create a personal plan as a facilitator
Registration Information

Register by signing up at the link below and submitting your payment for the full program. 

*This program is full – please email info@icl.org to be added to the waitlist for the next program.*

Tuition Cost: $305

Your tuition covers:

  • A pre-session orientation video
  • Three 90-minute interactive workshops
  • Assignments between workshops
  • A package of materials (ICL handouts and worksheets, as well as all content co-created by the group)
  • Recordings of the workshops, available for 60 days following the end of the program

Additional Information:

  • Facilitating Engaging Meetings is designed as a series of interactive workshops. Please come prepared to interact and contribute to the cohort.
  • In an attempt to create a diverse cohort of participants from various organizations, we are encouraging no more than three people from any organization to register.
  • This workshop series will be co-led by ICL Senior Associates, Pri Ekanayake, and Joy Jackson.
  • Please direct any questions about this workshop series to info@icl.org.
  • A calendar invitation and Zoom link will be shared with you after registration and before the workshop series begins.
  • There is a no refund policy for this program. Registration transfers will be excepted on a case by case basis. Reach out to info@icl.org with any questions on this policy.