Our Blog

Dreading Hybrid Meetings? You Can Make Them Better
Office doors are slowly opening back up. Consequently, the structure of meetings is shifting again. Many organizations are opting in with a hybrid meeting format, a fusion of virtual and

Communication Skills for Collaboration
Collaboration is more than just dividing up tasks. As a result of the pandemic, more of us are expected to be working in virtual or semi-virtual workplaces with many meetings

Step Forward Smartly in 2021: Tips and Tools for Getting People Together
In searching for anything liberating about the past 10 months, I’ve appreciated the necessity to try new things. Whether it is about surviving a pandemic, addressing pervasive racial injustice as

6 Tips for Working From Home
Still working from home? Will you, like our team at ICL, require changes to your team dynamic and organizational systems to adapt to working virtually for the rest of 2020?

Now is the Time for Adaptive Leadership
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward… Lao Tzu A colleague who

Expanding Collaboration Virtually A Case Study: The Southwest Pennsylvania Water Network
Event Details Date: Thursday, July 30, 2020 Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm EST Cost: A Free Webinar, includes a link to the webinar recording Hosts and Facilitators: Joy Jackson &