Investing in You: The Value of Reflection and Continued Learning

June 13, 2019

Like most nonprofit leaders, we sometimes find that we are so busy “doing the work” that we do not set nearly enough time aside to improve our own practice.


We’re under unique pressures in the field – tight budgets, project deadlines, and complex collaborations with a range of partners working to improve the health of our environment and communities. At times, we can get so caught up in the mission, that we relentlessly plow ahead without taking the time to stop and assess what is really needed for sustainable growth and success.

Directors, volunteers, staff, board – we are all environmental leaders. Continuing to invest in ourselves enables us to become adaptive leaders and sharpens the impact of our individual and collective efforts as we strive to improve ecological and human health.

If you don’t already do these simple things, start now:

  • Get a mentor/be a mentor Peer support and peer learning always help to improve your own work and the work of others.
  • Take time to read – An article a day. That is all. OR Catch up on that podcast you’ve been meaning to listen to!
  • Schedule a vacation – Even a day can dramatically improve your stress levels and help prevent burnout.

We guarantee that taking the time to invest in reflection and learning opportunities will end up transforming your organization.

The big lift: Enroll in an actual course

Here at ICL, we are excited to continue leading the Training, Facilitation, and Consulting Certificate Program through Marlboro College, which begins again in October. 

One of our recent certificate program graduates fought hard to get her organization’s funder to send her to the training program.

  • “The budgets in nonprofits are lean, and my organization wasn’t prepared to pay,” she said. “But I knew it would double my value in the role I hold as a facilitator. If you invest in yourself, you can transform your career. And the program Dianne at ICL leads at Marlboro College was truly magical and transformative. Everyone deserves an opportunity like this.”

Whether you are a leader inside your organization, the supporter of a coalition or collaborative, or a facilitator, this course allows you to accelerate your impact. The people you work with will gain more from the learning you facilitate and have greater impact in what they do – improving water quality, building community sustainability efforts, providing access to natural areas, promoting clean energy.

Sharpen your insight and develop your portfolio of skills to lead effective meetings and facilitate group learning. This could be your next opportunity to strengthen the long-term development of your organization by investing in yourself, your staff, or your volunteers. 

We hope you can join us!

Click here to learn more – and please contact us at info@icl.org if you have questions about the program.


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